How to learn Programming or Coding for Students

Hey Audiences,

What's up?  We have a new suggestion that how to learn coding or programming easily. So, let's explain our today's topic titled  "How to learn Programming or Coding for Students"! 

First Stage:

At first, learn programming as your hobby not professionally. That's why if you take it professionally on the first stage, then your study or main business can be hampered. So, take it as a hobby at first. Practise Programming in your free time! Practice this daily for half or one hour. 

What is Computer Programming?

Computer programming is the process of designing and building an executable computer program to accomplish a specific computing result or to perform a specific task. You can earn money from coding. No matter, you are in School, College, or University. People of all ages can do it. Basically, all you have to do that learn some programming languages. But, we are not telling you to get a paid course. There are so many free courses on YouTube on programming.

Which Programming Language should learn?

There are many kinds of Programming Languages. For example C, C++, Java, Python, HTML, XML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, Ruby, Perl, SQL etc.

Now, the question is which Programming Language you should learn. It differs from person to person.

There are some sectors of Programming. Like:

  • AI & Machine Learning.
  • Android Development.
  • Web Development.
  • Computer apps and Operating System Development.
  • Data Analysis, etc.

AI & Machine Learning

AI (Artificial Intelligence)  & Machine Learning is a different sector of computer science. Here the machines are developed & prepared to work or think like or better than humans. So, huge have to learn and read databases to think and analyze like humans. It's called Machine Learning.

The machines learn with help of a computer and they have to be programmed properly. So, here Python language is used to develop these machines or AIs. Because Python is a powerful language that can process more databases properly and fastly. And Python can use the machine's hardware faster and interact swiftly. 

Android Development

If you want to be an Android Developer, then you can learn Java. Because to make software for Android OS uses Java Language generally. Yup, some programming languages are used in Android. But the major part of Android OS development uses Java language.   


Web Development

And if you want to make websites, then you can learn HTML, some CSS, and Javascript.

Now see if we compare a website with a human body then HTML is the Skeleton, CSS is the Skin and Javascript is the neural system.         

Here HTML is used to make the main framework or structure of the website, then CSS is used to design a website properly. Like coloring, icons, themes are dependent on CSS. This makes a website more beautiful. Then, Javascript is used to process the front-end functionality of the website. Because it processes the front end of a website with logic that is given by the Web developer to manage the website properly. You can continue development with HTML, CSS, and Javascript temporarily. Then you can switch to more advanced things in the future.

In the future, if you want to develop the website's backend as well, then you have to learn PHP and Database language MySQL/ SQL in the primary stage and you can go forward !!

Computer apps and Operating System Development

In this sector, you can learn C, C++, C#, Python, Scala, etc. 

So, imagine that you want to be a Computer Software Developer or Computer Operating System Developer. Then you have to learn C and C++ first. C and C++ are the Basic Programming Languages. Because these two languages are lightweight and they can interact with a computer's hardware so easily. These are also fast compilable and executable too for the computers as compared to other programming languages.

And the Operating Systems for a computer are developed by using C & C++. Other divers like graphics drivers, audio drivers, processor drivers, disk drivers, etc are also developed by using these two programming languages for computers.

After learning the basics of these languages you will get an idea of how the program works!  Then, you can practice more on it. By the way, you can learn the Python programming language first. It is very easy to understand and powerful too. By learning Python you will be able to make programs easily. On the primary stage, you can make some fun projects or programs. For example, you can make a Game, a Calculator or a Timer, etc program. 

So, that's all for today's suggestion about " How to learn Programming or Coding for Students ". If you have determined once that you will learn Programming, then you have to practice it daily for a specific time. But remember that, your main business should not be hampered on account of it. 

Ok, guys. We hope, our suggestion will be helpful for you.

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